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Protect Your Property

When you want experienced legal counsel for your real estate transactions, Foundation Law Arizona addresses all aspects of the title and closing process efficiently and thoroughly. You will receive our undivided attention to guarantee a smooth, seamless transaction.

Our firm has many years of experience practicing real estate law in Arizona, and we’re highly qualified to handle various legal issues that come with buying and selling property, including the preparation of:

  • Contracts
  • Commercial lease agreements
  • Partition cases
  • Joint tenancy agreements
  • Quitclaim deeds
  • Beneficiary deeds
  • Quiet title actions
  • Promissory notes and deeds of trusts

We develop contracts to divide property ownership between multiple parties, create agreements for joint property owners, and transfer ownership from current owners to new ones, including beneficiaries, after your death. Title work eliminates invalid property claims that could create legal issues at closing or later, while promissory notes and deeds of trust clarify purchase prices and terms of payment. Some real estate transactions are fairly simple, but others can be complex, leading to additional legal risks. Attorney Elizabeth S. Thuenen provides advice and recommendations for your specific situation to ensure the best protection for you and your property.

Negotiating a Commercial Lease

Our law practice has the knowledge and experience to guide landlords and renters with well-drafted lease agreements that protect them from misunderstandings and avoid potential litigation. Lease agreements protect your business and property improvements and avoid mistakes that lead to unexpected costs. We ensure the rent you pay is aligned with the current market in your area, review renewal and termination conditions, and assess the need for special clauses to clarify terms for added protection.

Real estate may be a significant part of your wealth, so we can help with a variety of estate planning techniques to protect your real estate assets.

Attorney Elizabeth S. Thuenen has experience helping clients protect valuable assets in Arizona. Foundation Law Arizona offers a range of services in estate planning and elder law services, including special needs, Medicaid planning, guardianship, probate and estate administration, as well as business lawreal estate law, and tax law.

Contact us for a free 30-minute consultation to learn more about our real estate law services in Arizona.

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